If the world stopped turning today, I wonder...would all of it really matter in the end? All the things I've been so wrapped up in, all the unanswered questions and enless drama. Would it amount to a hill of beans should today be the last? But what DOES matter then? If we aren't to hold on to things, to try to make sense of them...what is left?
My view of life has been totally ripped apart and put back together. Its now a patchwork quilt of sorts, sewn back together with the threads of my life. Nothing pretty, mind you, but one piece again nevertheless. When I look at it, messy and imperfect as it is...it still holds the same value to me...maybe even more because I remember each and every rip and tear and worked so hard to stitch it back up. But again...where does it all fit in? The questions, the whys...did they fall out as useless threads before the rest was being put back together? Its still one piece, all back together. So did those things really ever matter? And if they didn't, why did I waste so much energy holding on to them? Wasted. Lost time. Can't get it back. But does that matter either?